To Inspire and Prepare the Next Generation of Scientists
One of the key ideas that inspired our founder, Professor Tam Wing-On, Joseph, to establish Pangenia Group (in the name of DiagCor Bioscience Incorporation Limited) 13 years ago is to share his passion for Molecular Diagnostics and make the company a “Scientist Incubator”. Therefore, Pangenia Group offers a range of programs for primary and secondary students, undergraduate, graduate students, and faculty. We aim to inspire and prepare the next generation of scientists, engineers and technologists in Hong Kong’s biotechnology industry through these programs.
Pangenia Group recently arranged two career talks. On 20 July, We arranged students from College of Engineering, City University of Hong Kong to visit Pangenia’s Laboratory. And on 22 July, Pangenia Group and Mason Group, our affiliated company, co-hosted a career talk. Form 3 students from three schools – Queen Elizabeth Old Students’ Association Secondary School, Queen Elizabeth Old Students’ Association Tong Kwok Wah Secondary School & Man Kiu College came to attend the career talk and visited the lab.
City University of Hong Kong Students Visited Pangenia’s Laboratory
On 20 July 2019, students from College of Engineering, City University of Hong Kong visited Pangenia’s Laboratory. The visit starts with a brief introduction of Pangenia Group. Then a laboratory tour led by our scientist, Dr. Danny So. In the tour, students can know more about the operation of the various equipment in the laboratory and the daily research work of laboratory technician and scientist. Following the tour, our Associate Laboratory Manager, Mr. Arno Ng engaged students in hands-on activities related to the lab tour, students also asked questions in this session.
Pangenia Group and Mason Group Co-Hosted a Career Talk for Form 3 Students from 3 Schools
On 22 July 2019, the talk invited various staffs from the laboratory service team and the R&D team from Pangenia Group and some senior members from the management team from Pangenia and Mason Group to share their work experiences and personal career advices with the students. The guest speakers includes Mr. Philip Lau, Mason Group Managing Director and Chief Executive of Global Wealth Management, Mr. Mike Cheung, First Vice President in Human Resources of Mason Group, Mr. Francis Tam, Vice President of Pangenia Group, Dr. David Ho, Laboratory Manager and Mr. Arno Ng, Associate Laboratory Manager of Pangenia Group, Dr. Danny So and Dr. Xue Gao, Scientist of the R&D Team of Pangenia Group and Mr. Jay Cheung, Senior Vice President and Head of Marketing of Harris Fraser.
The visit is one of the events of the summer program organized by Squash Harbour for the 3 schools. Students were encouraged to use English to discuss and communicate with the speakers throughout the event. The event starts with sharing sessions from representatives of Pangenia Group and a laboratory tour. In the tour, students could see real-world scientific research being conducted at Pangenia’s laboratory. Following the tour is other sharing sessions held by representatives from Mason Group and Harris Fraser. The visit then ends with a group discussion session, students formed groups to share their ideas and asked questions. Students participated actively, and they all showed enthusiasm during the group discussion time.